Building Permit Fees (Developer Fees)
The Shoreline Unified School District passed a resolution to collect school impact fees on new residential and commercial construction within District boundaries. Fees are only used for construction and reconstruction of school facilities.
Procedure for Paying the Fee - We can only accept checks at this time.
When you apply for a building permit it will require an approved Certificate of Compliance form signed by a School District Administrator
Please come to the Shoreline Unified School District Office with the Certificate of Compliance form provided by the Building Department or your blueprint plans to receive the district's form and have it approved. You can download a copy of the district's form here.
Shoreline Unified School District
10 John Street
Tomales, CA 94971
Weekday hours 8:00am - 4:00pm
*hours vary when school is not in session, please call for an appointment 707-878-2266
SUSD will calculate the amount of your impact fee based on the following
Residential development at $3.36 per sq. ft. assessable space
Commercial development at $0.54 per sq. ft. assessable space
After the amount is confirmed and the fee is paid, the Certificate of Compliance will be approved and signed by a District Administrator. You can take the form to the appropriate Building Department to receive your building permit.
If you have any questions, contact Christine Bowman at (707) 878-2266 or